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Hub City Soccer Club

Hub City Soccer Club

News Detail


Jul, 2021

2021 Fall Competitive Registration is OPEN!

Hub City Soccer Club Fall Competitive Soccer
• All Hub City Soccer Club players U8 (birth year 2014) through U12 (birth year 2010) will be eligible to
participate this Fall (note that U13/2009 birth year and older players will participate in CHS High
School/HCSC Eagles Fall Soccer).
• Participation in the HCSC Fall Competitive program gives the player training with HCSC Coaches, eligibility to
travel to competitive Fall events throughout the region, and the ability to get regular matches through the
HCSC City Recreational League.
• Training will begin as soon as teams/age groups are formed (and registered). Trainings will be held
approximately once per week (possibly moving to two times per week later in the season). Training
days/times games will be scheduled around weekly games and any travel events the team may participate
in. PLEASE NOTE: The Fall schedule is incredibly busy for players/coaches/everybody with Fall High School
soccer, school, and other activities. Fall competitive teams will NOT train as often as they do in the
Spring/Summer, and the program cost reflects this.
• HCSC teams/players will be able to travel to various Fall events based upon availability. Event registration
will follow the same procedure used for Spring/Summer/Winter events, and the costs for events will be
figured using the same formula that is used during the Spring/Summer/Winter. Traveling to events is
optional, and a player may choose to go to as many, or as few events as they desire.
• All other policies and procedures related to the Fall Competitive program will follow standard club policies
(uniforms, playing up, financial assistance, guest playing, etc). If you have questions about any of these
items, please ask.
• The registration fee is $99 per player. Please note - this registration fee INCLUDES registration in the Fall
HCSC Youth League, and player will be placed on a youth league/recreational league team at no additional
cost. So, the actual additional cost to participate in the Fall competitive program is $30 ($69 for Fall Youth
League Registration + $30 for Fall Competitive = $99). If you have already registered and paid for the Fall
Youth League, that is no problem, your Fall competitive registration fee will be adjusted accordingly.
• What else is included in this registration fee? SDSSA and US Soccer registration fees, secondary insurance for
players, coaches cost for training, training equipment, and any training facility costs and maintenance. The
“TeamSnap” mobile scheduling app that will be used for all competitive team training and event


Hub City Soccer Club
PO Box 584 
Aberdeen, South Dakota 57401

Phone: 605-225-0088
Email: [email protected]

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